Introduction Workshop for New Students in the CDIO Program

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch

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    The engineering education has traditionally focused on the technical skills rather than on personal development. However, the personal competence is becoming more and more important, including the communications skills. One of the challenges in modern engineering education is the ability to focus on both the technical and personal development in order to educate an engineer who can solve both technical and humanistic problems; thus creating god results from an all round prospect. This workshop is an introduction to communication and will demand an active involvement for the participants at the CDIO conference. The purpose is to give the CDIO staff a personal idea of a different approach to communication between new students and how they can get to know each other faster in a better way. Education of students today will typically involve both national and international students. However, the integration of the international students is important. Elements from this workshop could be used for integrating, to perform as an ice breaker and integrate the foreign students into groups along with the local students. The workshop will consist of various small exercises, where the participants will develop their awareness, and at the same time it will be an eye-opener of how it is possible to create a new form of introduction courses for new students – giving them a chance to get to know people they would otherwise never get to talk to. Since this workshop is limited to 90 minutes, it will only be possible to introduce and inspire the participants how to use the knowledge in their own courses.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIntroduction Workshop for New Students in the CDIO Program
    Publication date2009
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    Event5th International CDIO Conference - Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, Singapore
    Duration: 7 Jun 200910 Jun 2009
    Conference number: 5


    Conference5th International CDIO Conference
    LocationSingapore Polytechnic



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