Interpretation of Capillary Pressure Curves Using Invasion Percolation Theory

Dengen Zhou, Erling H. Stenby

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Invasion percolation was studied on three-dimensional regular lattices of various node numbers. A new model has been developed to Obtain the pore-size distribution from capillary pressure measurements. The new model is superior to the conventional percolation model, since it takes into account the physical trapping of the wetting phase. The irreducible wetting phase saturation includes the film of the wall of the pores, the dead-end pore volume, and the main contribution by pores isolated from the outlet of the medium by the nonwetting phase. This has been related to the node number and the sample 3dimensions. Over 100 capillary pressure curves of consolidated media have been collected. Good agreement was obtained between this data set out and our invasion percolation predictions using node numbers of 6-13, as reported by Mishra and Sharma. The pore-throat size distribution function estimated by our new model is broader than from the conventional percolation and the capillary tube models.
Original languageEnglish
JournalTransport in Porous Media
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)17-31
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 1993


  • Capillary pressure curve
  • Invasion percolation
  • Lattice
  • Pore size distribution
  • Irreductible wetting phase saturation
  • Accessibility
  • Node number


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