Interoperability of Standards for Robotics in CIME

Falk Mikosch (Editor), Uri Kroszynski, Torben Sørensen, Arnold Ludwig, Thomas Horsch

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Esprit Project 6457 "Interoperability of Standards for Robotics in CIME (InterRob)" belongs to the Subprogramme "Integration in Manufacturing" of Esprit, the European Specific Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology supported by the European Commision.The first main goal of InterRob was to close the information chain between product design, simulation, programming, and robot control by developing standardized interfaces and their software implementation for standards STEP (International Standard for the Exchange of Product model data, ISO 10303) and IRL (Industrial Robot Language, DIN 66312). This is a continuation of the previous Esprit projects CAD*I and NIRO, which developed substantial basics of STEP.The InterRob approach is based on standardized models for product geometry, kinematics, robotics, dynamics and control, hence on a coherent neutral information model of the process chain from design to manufacturing.The second main goal of the project was to increase the accuracy of off-line programmed robots by improving the conformance of robot simulation with the real world, and by on-line adjustments in robot control to modify actual positions and speed of the robot tool. In industrial applications it was demonstrated that complete off-line programming will significantly shorten production preparation and will increase product quality as well as productivity and return on investment for expensive installations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInteroperability of Standards for Robotics in CIME
    Place of PublicationBerlin
    PublisherSpringer Verlag
    Publication date1997
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    SeriesResearch Reports Esprit-Project 6457-InterRob

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