Intermediate Crack Induced Debonding in Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Plates - An Experimental Study

Piotr Michal Rusinowski, Björn Täljsten

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    FRP composites are becoming a material of choice in an increasing number of rehabilitation and retrofitting projects around the world. Depending on the design objectives, these materials can be used to improve one or more of the structural member characteristics, such as the load capacity, ductility and even durability. Design of structural strengthening applications using externally bonded FRP composites is usually based on conventional design approaches with improvement to account for the presence and characteristics of the FRP material. Non-conventional design issues that are specific to the type of application require special considerations for their proper inclusion in the design process. One such design issue is the debonding problems in externally bonded FRP strengthening applications that have been a concern and a research challenge since the initial development stages of the strengthening method. End-peeling has governed a large interest and several debonding models have been presented. However, interfacial peeling at flexural cracks has not attained the same focus – even though this debonding failure is most likely more common. This paper presents laboratory tests of concrete beams strengthened in flexure with CFRP epoxy bonded plates. Wrapping with CFRP sheets was applied in order to try to localize the failure initiation. Concrete cracking as well as debonding initiation and propagation was possible to observe with help of advanced optical measuring system and high speed camera.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAdvances in Structural Engineering
    Issue number6
    Pages (from-to)793-806
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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