Interlaboratory diagnostic accuracy of a Salmonella specific PCR-based method

B. Malorny, Jeffrey Hoorfar, M. Hugas, A. Heuvelink, P. Fach, L. Ellerbroek, C. Bunge, C. Dorn, R. Helmuth

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A collaborative study involving four European laboratories was conducted to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of a Salmonella specific PCR-based method, which was evaluated within the European FOOD-PCR project ( Each laboratory analysed by the PCR a set of independent obtained presumably naturally contaminated samples and compared the results with the microbiological culture method. The PCR-based method comprised a preenrichment step in buffered peptone water followed by a thermal cell lysis using a closed tube resin-based method. Artificially contaminated minced beef and whole broiler carcass-rinse resulted in a detection limit of less than 5 cells per 25 g meat or 100 ml broiler rinse. A total of 435 samples from four countries, including pig carcass swabs (n = 285), whole broiler carcass-rinse (n = 25), various raw meat (n = 33), and environmental samples (n = 92) were investigated. The interlaboratory diagnostic accuracy, i.e. diagnostic specificity and sensitivity, was shown to be 97.5%. The co-amplification of an internal amplification control indicated possible inhibitory substances derived from the sample. This work can contribute to the quality assurance of PCR-based diagnostic methods and is currently proposed as international standard document.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Food Microbiology
Issue number2-3
Pages (from-to)241-249
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • detection
  • standard
  • food
  • accuracy
  • Salmonella
  • PCR


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