Interfaces between a fibre and its matrix

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    The interface between a fibre and its matrix represents an important element in the characterization and exploitation of composite materials. Both theoretical models and analyses of experimental data have been presented in the literature since modern composite were developed and many experiments have been performed. A large volume of results for a wide range of composite systems exists, but rather little comparison and potential consistency have been reached for fibres and/or for matrices. Recently a materials mechanics approach has been presented to describe the interface by three parameters, the interfacial energy [J/m2], the interfacial frictional shear stress [MPa] and the mismatch strain [-] between fibre and matrix. The model has been used for the different modes of fibre pull-out and fibre fragmentation. In this paper it is demonstrated that the governing equations for the experimental parameters (applied load, debond length and relative fibre/matrix displacement) are rather similar for these test modes. A simplified analysis allows the direct determination of the three interface parameters from two plots for the experimental data. The complete analysis is demonstrated for steel fibres in polyester matrix. The analysis of existing experimental literature data is demonstrated for steel fibres in epoxy matrix and for tungsten wires in copper matrix. These latter incomplete analyses show that some results can be obtained even if all three experimental parameters are not recorded.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number012030
    JournalI O P Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
    Number of pages20
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event38th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science - Technical University of Denmark , Roskilde, Denmark
    Duration: 4 Sept 20178 Sept 2017


    Conference38th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science
    LocationTechnical University of Denmark

    Bibliographical note

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