Integrated Modelling and Enhanced Utilization of Power-to-Ammonia for High Renewable Penetrated Multi-Energy Systems

Da Xu, Bin Zhou, Qiuwei Wu, Chi Yung Chung, Canbing Li , Sheng Huang, She Chen

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    This paper proposes an integrated model of power-toammonia (P2A) to exploit the inherent operational dispatchability of nitrogen-ammonia (N2-NH3) cycles for high-renewable multienergy systems. In this model, the steady-state electrolytic process is mathematically formulated into a thermodynamic system based on thermo-electrochemical effects, and the long-term degradation process of P2A is transformed as the short-term degradation cost to characterize its cost-efficiency. Furthermore, the enhanced utilization of P2A is explored to form a renewable energy hub for coupled multi-energy supplies, and a coupling matrix is formulated for the optimal synergies of electrical, ammonia and thermal energy carriers. An iterative solution approach is further developed to schedule the hub-internal multi-energy conversion and storage devices for high-efficiency utilization of available hybrid solarwind renewables. Numerical studies on a stand-alone microgrid over a 24-hour scheduling periods are presented to confirm the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed methodology over regular battery and power-to-gas (P2G) storages on system operational economy and renewable energy accommodation
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
    Issue number6
    Pages (from-to)4769 - 4780
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Energy hub
    • Integrated energy system
    • Microgrid
    • Power-to-ammonia
    • Renewable energy


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