INTEGRAL results on the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves

S. Mereghetti, V. Savchenko, C. Ferrigno, E. Kuulkers, P. Ubertini, A. Bazzano, E. Bozzo, S. Brandt, J. Chenevez, T. J.-L. Courvoisier, R. Diehl, L. Hanlon, A. von Kienlin, P. Laurent, F. Lebrun, A. Lutovinov, A. Martin-Carrillo, L. Natalucci, J. P. Roques, T. SiegertR. Sunyaev

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Thanks to its high orbit and a set of complementary detectors providing continuous coverage of the whole sky, the INTEGRAL satellite has unique capabilities for the identification and study of the electromagnetic radiation associated to gravitational waves signals and, more generally, for multi-messenger astrophysics. Here we briefly review the results obtained during the first two observing runs of the advanced LIGO/Virgo interferometers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the THESEUS Workshop 2017
    EditorsL. Amati, E. Bozzo, M. Della Valle, D. Gotz, P. O'Brien
    Publication date2018
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventTransient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor Workshop - INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy
    Duration: 5 Oct 20176 Oct 2017


    WorkshopTransient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor Workshop
    LocationINAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte
    Internet address


    • Astrophysics
    • High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena


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