Innovation in Product Development: Notes for course 41629

Tim C. McAloone, John Dairo Restrepo-Giraldo

    Research output: Book/ReportCompendium/lecture notes


    The course on Innovation in Product Development attempts to identify and understand the nature of innovation and product development and their important factors. The course takes both a theoretical and a practical approach and employs a mix of lectures, project work and group discussion. Format The core of the course is based upon case-studies, videos, lectures from industrial guests and related textbooks. A range of topics are focused upon in the various sections of the course and through a combination of lectures, class discussions and presentations from the students, we try to reach deep insight. Course content The following aspects of innovation in product development are considered: - Humans and products - Needs and products - Product life - Teams creating products - Products creating business - Product development models - Organising product development - Product development tools - The future of product development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

    Bibliographical note

    Notes for course 41629 Innovation in Product Development


    • Innovation
    • PD methods
    • Design for X
    • Product and service development
    • Product life cycle design
    • Product/service-system
    • Product/Service-Systems
    • PSS
    • Service design


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