Initial Stages of Recrystallization in Aluminum of Commercial Purity

Niels Hansen, Bent Bay

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    In commercial aluminum with a purity of 99.4 pct, the formation and growth of recrystallization nuclei were studied by techniques such asin-situ annealing in a high voltage electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy. Sample parameters were the initial grain size (370 and 19 microns) and the degree of deformation (50 and 90 pct reduction in thickness by cold-rolling). It was found that the initial grain boundaries and high angle boundaries within the original grains are preferential sites for recrystallization nuclei, and that the effect of such sites is enhanced by the FeAl3 particles present in the commercial aluminum as impurities. The nucleation temperatures determined by high voltage electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy decrease markedly when the initial grain size is decreased both after 50 and 90 pct cold rolling; a less pronounced temperature decrease is obtained by increasing the degree of deformation. The size of the recrystallization nuclei, the recrystallization temperature and the recrystallized grain size are reported for the four sample states, and finally the structural and kinetic observations are discussed
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMetallurgical Transactions A
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)279-288
    Publication statusPublished - 1979


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