Influence of process parameters on the weld lines of a micro injection molded component

Guido Tosello, Alberto Gava, Hans Nørgaard Hansen, Giovanni Lucchetta

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The insufficient entanglement of the molecular chains and the stress amplification at the v-notch of a weld line compromise the mechanical strength of a plastic product, also in the micro scale. To investigate the influence of process parameters on the weld lines formation, a special micro cavity was designed and manufactured by µEDM (Electro Discharge Machining). Weld lines were quantitatively characterized both in the two-dimensional (direction and position) and three-dimensional range (surface topography characterization). Results showed that shape and position of weld lines are mainly influenced by mold temperature and injection speed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC)
    Publication date2007
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventSociety of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC) - Cincinnati (Ohio, US), United States
    Duration: 6 May 200711 May 2007


    ConferenceSociety of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC)
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityCincinnati (Ohio, US)


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