Influence of molecular dissociation on blob-induced atom density perturbations: Paper

A. S. Thrysøe*, J. Madsen, V. Naulin, J. Juul Rasmussen

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The effects of enhanced electron and ion pressure perturbations mediated in filamentary structures (blobs) on the densities of neutral atoms and molecules are investigated through a self-consistent dynamical fluid model for plasma and neutral fields. The electron and ion densities and pressures, and the generalized vorticity, are simulated by a 2D drift-fluid model in an edge and scrape-off layer slab domain of a toroidally magnetically confined plasma. The plasma dynamics are coupled with a diffusion model for densities of neutral atoms and molecules. The combined model allows for determining the response of the density of neutrals with various temperatures to blobs. It is found that blobs locally deplete densities of molecules and atoms that do not originate from dissociation of molecules, whereas the density of atoms created by dissociation may increase during blob events. The neutral species, their temperature, and origin should thus be taken into consideration when estimating the effect of blobs on neutral density perturbations when calculating emission rates, e.g. for gas puff imaging.
Original languageEnglish
Article number096005
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number9
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Edge and SOL dynamics
  • Plasma-neutral interactions
  • Gas puff imaging
  • GPI
  • Blobs
  • Neutrals


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