Influence of fleet renewal and trawl development on landings per unit effort of the Danish northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery

Ole Ritzau Eigaard, Sten Munch-Petersen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Recent stock assessments of the Pandalus stock in the Skagerrak (ICES Division IIIa) and the Norwegian Deep (Division IVa east) have relied largely on a time-series of landings per unit effort (lpue) calculated from Danish logbook data. Because of fleet renewal and trawl-size changes, the relationship between nominal effort data as recorded in logbooks (days fishing) and effective effort is likely to have changed, so to standardize the nominal lpue time-series, trawl-size development has been taken into account using generalized linear modelling. As logbooks do not provide trawl-size information, this standardization was made possible by retrieving technical trawl and vessel data from industry order books. These data demonstrated an approximately linear relationship between vessel engine power and Pandalus trawl size, so validated the use of vessel horsepower from the logbooks as a proxy for an unknown trawl size. Standardized lpue time-series for the past 20 years indicated a lesser increase in stock size than nominal lpue, the modelling results demonstrating that vessel lpue increased by 9.5% with each 100 hp of engine power.
Original languageEnglish
JournalICES Journal of Marine Science
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)26-31
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Engine power
  • Fishing power
  • Stock assessment
  • Technological development
  • Trawl size
  • Effort
  • Cpue standardization


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