Influence of Basalt FRP Mesh Reinforcement on High-Performance Concrete Thin Plates at High Temperatures

Thomas Hulin, Dan H. Lauridsen, Kamil Hodicky, Jacob Wittrup Schmidt, Henrik Stang

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A basalt fiber–reinforced polymer (BFRP) mesh was introduced as reinforcement in high-performance concrete (HPC) thin plates (20–30 mm) for implementation in precast sandwich panels. An experimental program studied the BFRP mesh influence on HPC exposed to high temperature. A set of standard furnace tests compared performances of HPC with and without BFRP mesh, assessing material behavior; another set including polypropylene (PP) fibers to avoid spalling compared the performance of BFRP mesh reinforcement to that of regular steel reinforcement, assessing mechanical properties. Stereomicroscope observations before and after fire testing focused on the interface between HPC and BFRP mesh and its change with temperature exposure. BFRP mesh showed tendency to reduce the probability of HPC spalling without solving this issue. BFRP mesh alone leads to mechanical failure of concrete elements, requiring the use of steel. Microscope observations highlighted degradation of the HPC-BFRP mesh interface with temperature due to the melting polymer matrix of the mesh. These observations call for caution when using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement in elements exposed to fire hazard.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number04015034
    JournalJournal of Composites for Construction
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • High-strength concrete
    • Composite materials
    • Fiber-reinforced polymer
    • Basalt
    • Fire resistance


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