Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase IEA Heat Pump Technology (HPT) Programme Annex 48 Task 1: Danish Report

B. Zühlsdorf*, F. Bühler, P. H. Jørgensen, B. Elmegaard*

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    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report summarizes the activities of the Danish consortium related to task 1 of the Annex 48 about industrial heat pumps. Task 1 consisted of an analysis of the realized heat pump installa-tions in an industrial context, including district heating.
    The task comprised a collection of existing heat pump installations in Denmark, including several information about the specific application, such as heat source, heat sink as well as about the heat pump system, for instance the cycle configuration and the working fluid. The list is available on a separate homepage of Annex 48, while an analysis of the collected data can be found in Chapter 2.
    The analysis of the current situation is substantiated with an analysis of the industrial heat de-mand and available excess heat in Chapter 3. Based on this, the potential for industrial heat pumps in Denmark is derived in Chapter 4. The analysis of the current situation and the technical potential is substantiated with an analysis of the economic boundary conditions for industrial heat pumps in Chapter 5.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages27
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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