Improving occupational safety and health by integration into product development

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    A cross-sectional case study was performed in a large company producing electro-mechanical products for industrial application. The objectives were: (i) to study the product development process and the role of key actors', (ii) to identify current practice on integrating occupational safety and health into the development process, especially the efforts and attitudes of design and production engineers', and (iii) to identify key actors'reflections on how to improve this integration. The study was based on qualitative as well as quantitative methods including interviews, questionnaires and studies of documents. A questionnaire regarding product development tasks and occupational safety and health were distributed to 30 design and production engineers. A total of 27 completed the questionnaire corresponding to a response rate of 90 per cent.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings XIVth World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health
    Place of PublicationMadrid
    PublisherInstituto Nacional de Seguridad e Hygiene en el Trabajo
    Publication date1996
    Publication statusPublished - 1996
    EventXIV World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health - Madrid, Spain
    Duration: 22 Apr 199626 Apr 1996


    ConferenceXIV World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health


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