Improvement of Fatigue Life of Welded Structural Components of a Large Two-Stroke Diesel Engine by Grinding

Henning Agerskov, Anders V. Hansen, Jørgen Bjørnbak-Hansen, John Forbes Olesen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The crankshaft housings of large two-stroke diesel engines are welded structures subjected to constant amplitude loading and designed for infinite life at full design load. A new design of the so-called frame box has been introduced in the engine using butt weld joints of thick plates, welded from one side only, with no access to the root side. Various investigations on the fatigue life of the structural components of this new design have been carried out. The present investigation concentrates on the improvement in fatigue life which may be obtained by grinding of the weld toes. The tests performed showed a significant increase in fatigue life due to the grinding, ranging from a factor of approx. 2.8 to infinity, depending on the load level. Although the number of tests was limited, the results indicate a favourable change of slope of the S-N curve, from m=3 for the test series without grinding to m=6 for the test series with grinding. In one of the test series, it was observed that in most cases crack initiation moved from the weld toe to the non-ground surface between the ground areas at the weld toes. Tests were made on steel S 275, on centrally and eccentrically loaded test specimens.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalWelding in the World
    Issue number5/6
    Pages (from-to)56-60
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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