Improved Physicochemical Properties of Tapioca Starch / Bovine Gelatin Biodegradable Films with Zinc Oxide Nanorod

Mohammad Mehdi Marvizadeh, Abdorreza Mohammadi Nafchi, Maryam Jokar

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The effects of zinc oxide nanorod (ZnO-N) incorporation on thephysicochemical properties of tapioca starch / bovin gelatin composite film such as water absorption capacity (WАC), water solubility and permeability to water vapour (WVP) were investigated. In this search, ZnO-N was homogenized by sonication and added into tapioca starch / bovine gelаtin dispersions аt different concentrations (e.g. 0.5, 2, and 3.5% w/w total solid). Incorporation of 3.5% of nanoparticles to tapioca starch / bovine gelatin films decreased the permeability to water vapor by 18%. Water absorption capacity and Solubility of the films were decreased by increasing the ZnO-N contents. These properties suggest that ZnO-N has the potential as filler in starch /gelatin-based films for using in pharmaceutical and food packaging industries
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Chemical Health Risks
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)25-31
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Bionanocomposite, Physicochemical properties, Tapioca starch, WVP, Zinc oxide nanorod
  • Public aspects of medicine
  • RA1-1270
  • Medicine
  • R


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