Improved melting temperature predictions for single LNA modifications in synthetic DNA oligonucleotides

Izabela Ferreira, Pâmella Miranda, Kira Astakhova, Gerald Weber*

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Locked nucleic acids (LNA) is a modification to DNA that generally increases the melting temperature in double strands. The nearest-neighbour (NN) provides one of the best prediction accuracies and is attractive for its simplicity. Here, we revise the NN parametrization for single LNA modifications with a very large set of published melting temperatures and using a parameter optimization method especially aimed at accurate melting temperature predictions. We show that the new set of LNA-NN parameters achieves an improved prediction of 0.88 ◦C over older parameter sets that achieve 1.7 °C for this data. We also tested if the existing salt corrections for DNA could be used for LNA as well. Using a small set of low salt melting temperatures we show that by applying the usual DNA salt corrections one may obtain predictions within an average uncertainty of 3.0 °C.
Original languageEnglish
Article number112204
JournalChemical Physics
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • DNA melting temperatures
  • Locked nucleic acids (LNA)
  • Nearest-neighbour model


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