Improved management based on stock identification of eastern and western Baltic cod

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The objective of this project was to establish an empirically founded knowledge base for the sustainable exploitation of the western Baltic cod stock by including the complex stock structure and migration patterns.
Stock mapping: Extensive immigration of “Eastern” cod into the Arkona Basin (SD 24) within the “Western” cod’s management unit was documented using high-powered genetic tools. The majority (91%) of all spawning fish caught in SD 24 in 2011 were “Eastern” cod and only 9% were from the “Western” stock. The results suggest that the stock structure in the Arkona Basin is highly influenced by mixing of genetically separate stocks.
Trends in mixing: Since the 1980’s where cod in SD 24 consisted primarily of “Western” type, the proportion of “Eastern” cod has increased, particularly since 2005. Throughout that period, the immigration of “Eastern” cod into SD 24 consisted primarily of adult, older fish. The changes in biological characteristics (mean size at age, condition and maturity) observed in that area since 2005 are thus a direct consequence of the extensive immigration of “Eastern” cod. As no seasonal signals in stock mixing were observed, the immigration is not associated with a change in “Eastern” cod’s spawning behaviour.
Management: The stock mixing proportions were successfully implemented in DTU Aqua’s modeling framework for management scenarios. “Eastern” immigrants into SD 24 lead the management procedure to advice for higher TACs that enhance the pressure on the fishing mortality level in SD 22. The fishing mortality level in SD 22 in this situation will need to be lowered i.e. by allocating more effort and catch from SD 22 to SD 24. Higher landings are expected if effort is re-directed/re-allocated to SD 24, profiting from the “Eastern” immigrants. By lowering the fishing mortality in SD 22, the SSB in SD 22 is also preserved, which is assumed to be the main source of recruits for the whole “western” stock (i.e. SD 22 + SD 24). In conclusion: Within the frame of this project we showed that substantial immigration “Eastern” cod into SD 24 has occurred and that these stock dynamics should be incorporated in evaluations of future management plans.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCharlottenlund
PublisherNational Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
Number of pages61
ISBN (Print)978-87-7481-173-2
Publication statusPublished - 2013
SeriesDTU Aqua-rapport


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