Improved cathode for high efficient microbial-catalyzed reduction in microbial electrosynthesis cells

Huarong Nie, Tian Zhang, Mengmeng Cui, Haiyun Lu, Derek R. Lovley, Thomas P. Russell

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Microbial electrosynthesis cells (MECs) are devices wherein microorganisms can electrochemically interact with electrodes, directly donating or accepting electrons from electrode surfaces. Here, we developed a novel cathode by using nickel nanowires anchored to graphite for the improvement of microbial-catalyzed reduction in MEC cathode chamber. This porous nickel-nanowire-network-coated graphite electrode increased the interfacial area and interfacial interactions between the cathode surface and the microbial biofilm. A 2.3 fold increase in bio-reduction rate over the untreated graphite was observed. Around 282 mM day−1 m−2 of acetate resulting from the bio-reduction of carbon dioxide by Sporomusa was produced with 82 ± 14% of the electrons consumed being recovered in acetate.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Issue number34
Pages (from-to)14290-14294
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


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