Important mycotoxins and the fungi which produce them

Jens Christian Frisvad, Ulf Thrane, R.A Samson, John Pitt

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The assessment of the relationship between species and mycotoxins production has proven to be very difficult. The modern literature is cluttered with examples of species purported to make particular mycotoxins, but where the association is incorrect. In some cases, mycotoxins have even been named based on an erroneous association with a particular species: verruculogen, viridicatumtoxin and rubratoxin come to mind. As time has gone on, and more and more compounds have been described, lists of species-mycotoxin associations
    have become so large, and the inaccuracies in them so widespread in acceptance, that determining true associations has become very difficult. It does not need to be emphasised how important it is that these associations be known accurately. The possible presence of mycotoxigenic fungi in foods, and rational decisions on the status of foods suspected to contain mycotoxins, are ever present problems in the food industry around the world. In defining mycotoxins, we exclude fungal metabolites which are active against bacteria, protozoa, and lower animals including insects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances of Food Mycology
    Publication date2006
    ISBN (Print)0-387-28385-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    Event5th International Workshop on Food Mycology - Samso, Denmark
    Duration: 15 Oct 200319 Oct 2003
    Conference number: 5


    Conference5th International Workshop on Food Mycology
    SeriesAdvances in Experimental Medicine and Biology


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