Implementing post-occupancy evaluation in social housing complemented with BIM: A case study in Chile

Alex Arnoldo González Cáceres*, Ariel Bobadilla, Jan Karlshøj

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    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    This study reports a Post Occupancy Evaluation performed on a social housing complex consisting of 400 apartments, in which symptoms and damage produced by high moisture levels needed investigation. The resulting knowledge is of special interest for other projects designed to be mass-produced such as social housing. Large costs for repairs can be reduced by applying measures to avoid moisture problems in indoor environments. The evaluation was performed over three stages, indicative, investigative and diagnostic. The process was mapped and the data stored using BIM standards so it can be used by stakeholders to take further actions. In the indicative stage, data was collected through questionnaires and surveys, and a quick evaluation was conducted of the affected units. In the investigative stage, an analysis of the entire building complex was conducted through simulation and tested against the building energy standards. In the diagnostic stage, in-situ and laboratory measurements were made and used for calculations. The results show that many factors were involved in the moisture damage, whose main causes were overcrowded spaces, inadequate thermal regulation for the local climate, poor apartment and complex design, and flaws and inconsistencies in the quality of construction.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalBuilding and Environment
    Pages (from-to)260-280
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Post-occupancy evaluation
    • BIM
    • Social housing
    • Indoor environment
    • Data
    • Building pathology


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