Implementation analysis of lean enablers for managing engineering programs

Joachim von Arnim, Josef Oehmen, Eric Rebentisch

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This paper presents research to improve the applicability of the Lean Enablers and consists of two parts. The first is a case study of a very successful project management maturity improvement initiative at Siemens Industry Sector’s Industry Automation division in the US. It views the initiative from the perspective of the Lean Enablers [Oehmen 2012] and is based on information from [Sopko 2012a], [Sopko 2012b], [Sopko 2010], [Sopko 2009], interviews, internal documentation, and the used MSP program management methodology [UK 2011]. The analysis of Lean Enablers incorporated in the MSP framework reveals the potential of Lean Enablers being applied in change programs. Incorporating the knowledge gained in the case study, the second part shows the development of a framework for the implementation of Lean Enablers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication13th International Design Conference - Design 2014
    Number of pages10
    PublisherDesign Society
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event13th International Design Conference - Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Duration: 19 May 201422 May 2014
    Conference number: 13


    Conference13th International Design Conference
    Internet address


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