Impacts of electric vehicle charging on distribution networks in Denmark

Lizhong Xu, Guang Ya Yang, Zhao Xu, Francesco Marra, Chresten Træholt

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) provide a unique opportunity to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector by drawing on renewable resources. As EVs become increasingly popular in the automotive market, the study of its impacts on the low-voltage grid has become increasingly important. The model of EVs is affected by the user, battery characteristics, as well as the environment. Studies are carried out based on the Danish case. A preliminary model on demand is created by integrating the driving pattern and battery charging characteristics. The model is applied to a typical distribution network. Monte Carlo simulation is employed to study the impact of EVs in the presence of wind power considering different penetration levels of EVs, electricity price schemes and seasons. © 2011 State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Press.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalDianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems
    Issue number14
    Pages (from-to)18-23
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Battery characteristics
    • Wind power
    • Driving pattern
    • Distribution network
    • Electric vehicle


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