IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Internet-of-Things Attacks and Defenses: Recent Advances and Challenges

Weizhi Meng, Javier Lopez, Shouhuai Xu, Chunhua Su, Rongxing Lu

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Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been widely adopted by the vast majority of businesses and is influencing every aspect of the world. However, the nature of the internet, communication means, embedded OS, and backend recourses make IoT objects vulnerable to cyber-attacks. For example, the Mirai botnet attack used the IoT to perform the DDoS attack that took down many popular websites. In addition, most standard and conventional security solutions designed for enterprise systems are not applicable to IoT devices. As a result, we are facing a big IoT security and protection challenge, and there is an urgent need to analyze current IoT-specific cyber-attacks and to design suitable and efficient security mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Access
Pages (from-to)108846-108850
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


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