IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting

Gregor Giebel*, William Shaw, Helmut Frank, Caroline Draxl, Pierre Pinson, Georges Kariniotakis, Corinna Möhrlen

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    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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    This poster gives an overview of the IEA Wind Task for Wind Power Forecasting. The Operating Agent is Gregor Giebel of DTU, Co-Operating Agent is Will Shaw of PNNL. Collaboration in the task is solicited from everyone interested in the forecasting business. The second phase of the Task runs for three years, 2019-2021.

    The main deliverables are an up-to-date list of current projects and main project results, including datasets which can be used by researchers around the world to improve their own models, and an IEA Recommended Practice on the forecast solution selection and evaluation process and a position paper regarding the use of probabilistic forecasts. Additionally, disemmination of relevant information in both the forecasters and the end-users community is paramount, e.g. through common workshops and webinars.

    Participation is open for all organisations in member states of the IEA Annex on Wind Power, see for the up-to-date list
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2019
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventWindEurope Conference and Exhibition 2019: Delivering a Clean Economy for all Europeans - BEC – Bilbao Exhibition Centre , Bilbao, Spain
    Duration: 2 Apr 20194 Apr 2019


    ConferenceWindEurope Conference and Exhibition 2019
    LocationBEC – Bilbao Exhibition Centre
    Internet address


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