Hydrogen permeation in asymmetric La28-xW4 + xO54 + 3x/2 membranes

Vanesa Gil, Jonas Gurauskis, Christian Kjølseth, Kjell Wiik, Mari-Ann Einarsrud

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Asymmetric supported La28 - xW4 + xO 54 + 3x/2 (La/W ≈ 5.6) membranes were investigated for their hydrogen permeation properties as a function of temperature and feed gas conditions. Dense membranes of thickness 25-30 μm supported on substrates with 25 and 40 vol.% porosity were compared. Above 850 °C under dry conditions, the hydrogen permeation rate was approximately constant as a function of temperature due to low concentration of protons in the material at high temperatures. Under humid conditions and above 960 °C enhanced permeation rates were observed. A hydrogen permeation as high as 0.14 NmL min-1 cm-2 was recorded at 1000 °C with 10 vol.% H2 (2.5 vol.% H2O) as feed gas.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)3087-3091
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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