Hydrogen chloride (HCl) absorption by raw meal and raw meal compounds, using in-situ HCl generation and TGA-FTIR tests

Stylianos Pachitsas*, Lars Skaarup Jensen, Stig Wedel, Jytte Boll Illerup, Kim Dam-Johansen

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HCl emission control optimization from cement plants requires a quantification of the HCl absorption capacity of raw meals (mixtures of fine particles of raw materials) and the determination of raw meal constituent effects on HCl capture below 400 ℃. This work reports lab data obtained by ramping temperature tests using a standard TGA-FTIR set-up, a thermally degradable solid HCl source (AlCl3 6H2O), industrial raw meals, and mixtures of reagent grade raw meal constituents (SiO2, CaCO3, Fe2O3, and Al2O3). The lab data showed that industrial raw meals had significantly higher HCl absorption capacity than reagent grade CaCO3. The presence of Fe2O3 promoted HCl capture by CaCO3 between 90 ℃ and 350 ℃. The HCl absorption by raw meals was higher when the HCl source was dispersed rather than when it was placed below the raw meals.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102869
JournalJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Issue number1
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • HCl
  • Absorption
  • Cement
  • CaCO3
  • Fe2O3
  • Low temperatures


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