Highly Efficient Spontaneous Emission from Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

Jeppe Johansen, Toke Lund-Hansen, Jørn Märcher Hvam, Peter Lodahl

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


We present time resolved measurements of spontaneous emission (SE) from InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). The measurements are interpreted using Fermi's Golden Rule and from this analysis we establish the parameters for high quantum efficiency.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProc. EOS Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Optical Microcavities (TOM 3)
Publication date2006
ISBN (Print)30-00-19533-5
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventEOS Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Optical Microcavities - Paris, France
Duration: 16 Oct 200619 Oct 2006


ConferenceEOS Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Optical Microcavities
OtherPart of the EOS Annual Meeting 2006


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