High temperature fuel cell with anode layer including

Robert Gilles (Inventor), Andreas Kaiser (Inventor), Emad Batawi (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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High temperature fuel cell with a fuel side and an anode layer (1a) including a carrier structure (1) for a thin gas tight sintered solid electrolyte layer (2), which includes a heterogeneous phase (1b) and a hollow space formed via this phase, in the form of macro- and micropores, where the heterogeneous phase contains two partial phases, one consisting of a ceramic material and the other a metal, and the particle size of the ceramic particles is greater than 5 to less than 1 micron. - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for preparation of the fuel cell by, for example, film pressing, roll pressing, wet pressing, isostatic pressing.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP 1513214 A1
Filing date08/06/2004
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes

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