High Security at a Low Cost

Ender Yuksel, Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


    In the future tiny devices with microcontrollers and sensors will be in charge of numerous activities in our lives. Tracking our energy consumption and CO2 emission, controlling our living conditions, enforcing security, and monitoring our health will be some examples of their functions These devices will form wireless networks to communicate with one another, moreover their power consumption will be very low. It is not hard to predict that our modern society will depend on the correct operation of these devices, and the security of the network they are operating. Such sensor-based systems, also known as "cyber-physical systems", achieve security by means of cryptographic protocols. In a simplistic setting where the power consumption should be minimum and the processing power is limited, it is more likely that all devices in the network will share the same cryptographic key. In this study, we are working on the trade-off between two challenges: "the cryptographic key should be changed frequently to preserve security" and "the cryptographic key should be changed rarely to save power". We work on the ZigBee wireless sensor network standard, that offers the advantages of simple and low resource communication. We model the system as a continuous-time Markov chain, and analyze it by posing a number of questions shedding light on its behaviour. The properties we are interested in are expressed in continuous stochastic logic, and probabilistic model checker Prism is used in the analysis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2010
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2010
    EventFederated Logic Conference : Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis Workshop - Edinburgh
    Duration: 1 Jan 2010 → …


    ConferenceFederated Logic Conference : Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis Workshop
    Period01/01/2010 → …


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