High-resolution app data reveal sustained increases in recreational fishing effort in Europe during and after COVID-19 lockdowns

Asta Audzijonyte*, Fernando Mateos-González, Justas Dainys, Casper Gundelund, Christian Skov, J. Tyrell Deweber, Paul Venturelli, Vincentas Vienožinskis, Carl Smith

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It is well recognized that COVID-19 lockdowns impacted human interactions with natural ecosystems. One example is recreational fishing, which, in developed countries, involves approximately 10% of people. Fishing licence sales and observations at angling locations suggest that recreational fishing effort increased substantially during lockdowns. However, the extent and duration of this increase remain largely unknown. We used four years (2018-2021) of high-resolution data from a personal fish-finder device to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on angling effort in four European countries. We show that relative device use and angling effort increased 1.2-3.8-fold during March-May 2020 and generally remained elevated even at the end of 2021. Fishing during the first lockdown also became more frequent on weekdays. Statistical models explained 50-70% of the variation, suggesting that device use and angling effort were relatively consistent and predictable through space and time. Our study demonstrates that recreational fishing behaviour can change substantially and rapidly in response to societal shifts, with profound ecological, human well-being and economic implications. We also show the potential of angler devices and smartphone applications for high-resolution fishing effort analysis and encourage more extensive science and industry collaborations to take advantage of this information.
Original languageEnglish
Article number230408
JournalRoyal Society Open Science
Issue number7
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Anthropause
  • Recreational fishing effort
  • Non-probabilistic methods
  • Smartphone applications
  • COVID-19
  • Inland and coastal fisheries


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