High efficient ammonia heat pump system for industrial process water using the ISEC concept. Part 2

Martin F. Olesen, Claus Madsen, Lars Olsen, Bjarke Paaske, Erasmus Damgaard Rothuizen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    The Isolated System Energy Charging (ISEC) concept allows for a high efficiency of a heat pump system for hot water production. The ISEC concept consists of two water storage tanks, one charged and one discharged. The charged tank is used for the industrial process, while the discharged tank is charging. The charging of the tank is done by recirculating water through the condenser and thereby gradually heating the water. The modelling of the system is described in Part I [1]. In this part, Part II, an experimental test setup of the tank system is reported, the results are presented and further modelling of the heat pump and tank system is performed (in continuation of Part I). The modelling is extended to include the system performance with different natural refrigerants and the influence of different types of compressors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 11th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants
    Number of pages9
    PublisherChinese Association of Refrigeration
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event11th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants - Hangzhou, China
    Duration: 31 Aug 20142 Sept 2014
    Conference number: 11


    Conference11th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants
    Internet address


    • Hydrocarbons
    • Compressor
    • Heat Pump
    • ISEC
    • Modelling
    • Experimental


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