Hierarchical Structure and Strengthening Mechanisms in Pearlitic Steel Wire

Xiaodan Zhang, Niels Hansen, Xiaoxu Huang, Andrew William Godfrey

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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    Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms have been analyzed in a cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire (the strongest engineering materials in the world) with a nanostructure down to 10 nm and a flow stress up to 5.4 GPa. The interlamellar spacing and the cementite lamellae thickness are reduced during drawing in accordance with the change in wire diameter up to a strain of 2.5. At a higher strain enhanced thinning of cementite lamellae points to decomposition and carbon enrichment of the ferrite lamellae. Dislocations are stored as individual dislocations and in low angle boundaries. No saturation in the dislocation density is observed and it increases to 5E16 m-2 at a strain of 5.4. A high dislocation density at the ferrite/cementite(ferrite) interface is also observed. Boundary strengthening, dislocation strengthening and solid solution hardening are suggested and good agreement is found between the calculated flow stresses and experimental values.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventTMS 2017: 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibition - San Diego Convention Center and Marriott Marquis & Marina, San Diego, United States
    Duration: 26 Feb 20172 Mar 2017
    Conference number: 146


    ConferenceTMS 2017: 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
    LocationSan Diego Convention Center and Marriott Marquis & Marina
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CitySan Diego


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