HETEK - Control of Early Age Cracking in Concrete: Phase 2: Shrinkage of mortar and concrete

Ole Mejlhede Jensen, Søren Lolk Christensen, Birgitte Friis Dela, Jacob Hougaard Hansen, Per Freiesleben Hansen, Anders Nielsen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    This report deals with autogenous shrinkage of two concretes and the corresponding mortars. The theory of self-desiccation and autogenous deformation is presented. Autogenous shrinkage of mortar is measuredin a paste dilatometer at constant and varying temperatures. Similarly the autogenous shrinkage of the concrete is measured in a concrete dilatometer developed in this project. The results are discussed in relation to thermal expansion, activation energy and maturity transformation.
    Original languageEnglish
    ISBN (Print)87-7740-202-2
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


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