Heat exchanger selection and design analyses for metal hydride heat pump systems

Andrea Mazzucco, Tyler G. Voskuilen, Essene L. Waters, Timothee L. Pourpoint, Masoud Rokni

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    This study presents a design analysis for the development of highly efficient heat exchangers within stationary metal hydride heat pumps. The design constraints and selected performance criteria are applied to three representative heat exchangers. The proposed thermal model can be applied to select the most efficient heat exchanger design and provides outcomes generally valid in a pre-design stage. Heat transfer effectiveness is the principal performance parameter guiding the selection analysis, the results of which appear to be mildly (up to 13%) affected by the specific Nusselt correlation used. The thermo-physical properties of the heat transfer medium and geometrical parameters are varied in the sensitivity analysis, suggesting that the length of independent tubes is the physical parameter that influences the performance of the heat exchangers the most. The practical operative regions for each heat exchanger are identified by finding the conditions over which the heat removal from the solid bed enables a complete and continuous hydriding reaction. The most efficient solution is a design example that achieves the target effectiveness of 95%. Copyright (C) 2016, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)4198-4213
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • Metal hydride heat pump
    • Metal hydride
    • Heat exchanger
    • Thermal analysis
    • Sensitivity analysis


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