Heart-pulse Biofeedback in Playful Exercise using a Wearable device and Modular Interactive Tiles

Tomoya Shimokakimoto, Henrik Hautop Lund, Kenji Suzuki

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    We developed a playful biofeedback system using a wearable device and modular interactive tiles. In this approach we suppose that patients could regulate exercise intensity on their own through biofeedback. We propose biofeedback play system called “bioToys” based on exercise with the modular interactive tiles. The system consists of a wearable device that measures heart-pulse via ear-mounted sensor, and modular interactive tiles which are used for physical rehabilitation exercise through playing a game. The wearable devise enables detection of heart pulse in real-time and therefore provides heart beat rate during playful activities, even if the heart pulse wave have motion artifacts. The tiles are designed to build flexible structures and to provide immediate feedback based on the users’ physical interaction with the tiles. We combine the two systems to provide users with heart pulse biofeedback in playful exercise. We show that using the developed system it is possible for the users to regulate the exercise intensity on their own with biofeedback, and also possible to analyze exercise activity using number of steps on the tiles and heart beat rate.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Robotics Networks and Artificial Life
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)69-73
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Playware
    • Biofeedback
    • Exercise
    • Rehabilitation


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