title = "Hard X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by INTEGRAL",
abstract = "The transient X-ray pulsar, Ginga 1843+009, appears to be undergoing a hard X-ray outburst brighter than the one reported in May 2003 (ATEL #159). The source has been observed during ISWT observations of the Scutum Arm region with INTEGRAL and was first detected when the source was in the field of view of the ISGRI imager on 2005-04-23T11:05 with a 20-60 keV count rate of ~3 cps, corresponding to ~20 mCrab. This is the first time this source has been detected in a single ~2000s pointing with ISGRI, and is approximately the same level as the flux reported in ATEL #159. Over the following ~5 days, the source appears to have slowly doubled in brightness, to its current level of ~6 cps (40 mCrab). The source was also visible in JEM-X images in a single pointing at 2005-04-29T04:42 with fluxes of approximately 15 and 20 mCrab, in the 3-10 and 10-30 keV bands respectively. During this pointing the corresponding 20-60 keV ISGRI flux was ~30 mCrab, indicating a spectrum which is harder than the Crab. Observations at other wavelengths are encouraged.",
keywords = "X-ray, Gamma ray, Transient, Pulsar",
author = "J.-C. Leyder and J. Chenevez and M.T. Fiocchi and M. Revnivstev and J. Paul and T. Oosterbroek and M. Mas-Hesse and A. Strong",
year = "2005",
month = apr,
day = "29",
language = "English",
series = "The Astronomer's telegram",
publisher = "R. Rutledge",
number = "ATel #472",
type = "Other",