Guidelines for Distribution System Operators on Reactive Power Provision by Electric Vehicles in Low Voltage Grids

Antonio Zecchino, Mattia Marinelli, Chresten Træholt, Magnus Korpås

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    The increasing success of electric vehicles is bringing new technical challenges to power system operators. This work intends to provide guidelines for distribution system operators in terms of reactive power requirements when evaluating and authorizing electric vehicles supply equipment with fast charging capability in existing low voltage distribution feeders. The aim is to prevent the voltage to exceed the permitted values when charging at high power, by exploiting the effect of the reactive power. The proposed guidelines for distribution system operators are reported in a matrix, which indicates the amount of reactive power that an individual electric vehicle is expected to provide when connected to a low voltage feeder, in order to benefit of the desired voltage rise effect in comparison to the case of unitary power factor.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCired - Open Access Proceedings Journal
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)1787 – 1791
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution - Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, United Kingdom
    Duration: 12 Jun 201715 Jun 2017


    Conference24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution
    LocationScottish Event Campus
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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    • ACES: Across Continents Electric Vehicle Services

      Marinelli, M. (PI), Træholt, C. (Project Participant), Sørensen, T. M. (Project Participant), Andersen, P. B. (Project Participant), Zecchino, A. (Project Participant), Thingvad, A. (Project Participant), Pedersen, A. B. (Project Participant) & Calearo, L. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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