Growth rates and misorientation relationships between growing nuclei/grains and the surrounding deformed matrix during recrystallization

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    Average growth rates and misorientations between recrystallization nuclei (or grains) and neighbouring deformed matrix material have been studied for partially recrystallized samples by the electron back scattering pattern (EBSP) technique in heavily cold rolled aluminium and copper. It was studied how the annealing time and the crystallographic orientation of nuclei/grains affects the growth rates and distribution of misorientations. The two materials, aluminium and copper, develop a weak and a strong recrystallization cube texture respectively. Information about effects of cube texture strength was therefore also obtained. It was found that grains of cube orientation grow faster than grains of other orientations. A wide distribution of misorientation relationships was observed to exist between the growing grains and the neighbouring deformed matrix, and this distribution was not significantly affected by the annealing time. The faster growth of the cube oriented grains may be ascribed to a larger misorientation between cube grains and deformed matrix than that between other grains and the matrix.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalActa Metallurgica et Materialia
    Issue number11
    Pages (from-to)4117-4129
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


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