Growth and Mortality of the Pink Shrimp Penaeus notialis (Pérez Farfante, 1967) (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata: Penaeidae) in the Colombian Caribbean

Jorge Paramo*, Daniel Pérez, Tobias Mildenberger

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The pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis) constitutes an important commercial fishery in the Colombian Caribbean. However, due to the lack of biological data and fisheries management information led to the overexploitation and collapse of the shrimp fishery. Despite the economic and commercial importance of this fishery in the Colombian Caribbean, no studies have been carried out on the growth and mortality of pink shrimp. The objective of the present study was to estimate for the first time robust von Bertalanffy growth parameters, mortality rates with empirical formulae and the length-converted catch curve of the commercial pink shrimp (P. notialis) in the Colombian Caribbean. The samples were collected between June 2012 and May 2013, between Cartagena and the Gulf of Urabá. The parameters of the growth were estimated using the electronic Length frequency analysis. We calculated the natural mortality (M) with the K and L∞ parameters. A total of 5199 pink shrimp were collected. The estimates of growth parameters for P. notialis showed higher L (females: 171.91 mm; males: 135.37 mm) and W in females (44.74 g) than in males (19.44 g). The growth coefficient (K) was 0.74 in females and 1.19 in males. The ta estimated for females was −0.12 and for males −0.04. The maximum age (tmax) of this species was 3.91 year for female and 2.47 year for male. The natural mortality rate (M) for female was (0.61 year−1) and male (0.93 year−1).
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12863
JournalMarine Ecology
Issue number1
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2025


  • Colombian Caribbean
  • Growth
  • Mortality
  • Penaeus notialis
  • Pink shrimp


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