Graphene-based THz modulator analyzed by equivalent circuit model

Binggang Xiao, Jing Chen, Zhiyi Xie, Sanshui Xiao

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    A terahertz (THz) modulator based on graphene is proposed and analysed by use of equivalent transmission line of a homogeneous mediumand the local anisotropic model of the graphene conductivity. The result calculated by the equivalent circuit is consistent with that obtained byFresnel transfer matrices. For the modulator proposed here, when the frequency of carrier wave is 0.6 THz, the theoretical analysis indicatesthat the modulation bandwidth is 55.5 kHz and the modulation depth is 81.3% for voltage change from 0 to 50 V
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMicro & Nano Letters
    Issue number8
    Pages (from-to)439–442
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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