GOODS-ALMA: The slow downfall of star formation in z = 2-3 massive galaxies

M. Franco*, D. Elbaz, L. Zhou, B. Magnelli, C. Schreiber, L. Ciesla, M. Dickinson, N. Nagar, G. Magdis, D. M. Alexander, M. Béthermin, R. Demarco, E. Daddi, T. Wang, J. Mullaney, M. Sargent, H. Inami, X. Shu, F. Bournaud, R. CharyR. T. Coogan, H. Ferguson, S. L. Finkelstein, M. Giavalisco, C. Gómez-Guijarro, D. Iono, S. Juneau, G. Lagache, L. Lin, K. Motohara, K. Okumura, M. Pannella, C. Papovich, A. Pope, W. Rujopakarn, J. Silverman, M. Xiao

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    We investigate the properties of a sample of 35 galaxies, detected with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) at 1.1 mm in the GOODS-ALMA field (area of 69 arcmin2, resolution = 0.60″, rms ≃ 0.18 mJy beam−1). Using the ultraviolet-to-radio deep multiwavelength coverage of the GOODS–South field, we fit the spectral energy distributions of these galaxies to derive their key physical properties.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberA30
    JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Galaxies: active
    • Galaxies: evolution
    • Galaxies: fundamental parameters
    • Galaxies: high-redshift
    • Galaxies: star formation
    • Submillimeter: galaxies


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