Global warming factors modelled for 40 generic municipal waste management scenarios

Thomas Højlund Christensen, F. Simion, Davide Tonini, Jacob Møller

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Global warming factors (kg CO2-eq.-tonne—1 of waste) have been modelled for 40 different municipal waste management scenarios involving a variety of recycling systems (paper, glass, plastic and organics) and residual waste management by landfilling, incineration or mechanical—biological waste treatment. For average European waste composition most waste management scenarios provided negative global warming factors and hence overall savings in greenhouse gas emissions: Scenarios with landfilling saved 0—400, scenarios with incineration saved 200—700, and scenarios with mechanical-biological treatment saved 200— 750 kg CO2-eq. tonne— 1 municipal waste depending on recycling scheme and energy recovery. Key parameters were the amount of paper recycled (it was assumed that wood made excessive by paper recycling substituted for fossil fuel), the crediting of the waste management system for the amount of energy recovered (hard-coal-based energy was substituted), and binding of biogenic carbon in landfills. Most other processes were of less importance. Rational waste management can provide significant savings in society’s emission of greenhouse gas depending on waste composition and efficient utilization of the energy recovered.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalWaste Management and Research
    Issue number9
    Pages (from-to)871-884
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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