Global Sensitivity Analysis as Good Modelling Practices tool for the identification of the most influential process parameters of the primary drying step during freeze-drying

Pieter-Jan Van Bockstal*, Séverine Thérèse F.C. Mortier, Jos Corver, Ingmar Nopens, Krist V. Gernaey, Thomas De Beer

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Pharmaceutical batch freeze-drying is commonly used to improve the stability of biological therapeutics. The primary drying step is regulated by the dynamic settings of the adaptable process variables, shelf temperature Ts and chamber pressure Pc. Mechanistic modelling of the primary drying step leads to the optimal dynamic combination of these adaptable process variables in function of time. According to Good Modelling Practices, a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) is essential for appropriate model building. In this study, both a regression-based and variance-based GSA were conducted on a validated mechanistic primary drying model to estimate the impact of several model input parameters on two output variables, the product temperature at the sublimation front Ti and the sublimation rate View the MathML source. Ts was identified as most influential parameter on both Ti and View the MathML source, followed by Pc and the dried product mass transfer resistance αRp for Ti and View the MathML source, respectively. The GSA findings were experimentally validated for View the MathML source via a Design of Experiments (DoE) approach. The results indicated that GSA is a very useful tool for the evaluation of the impact of different process variables on the model outcome, leading to essential process knowledge, without the need for time-consuming experiments (e.g., DoE).
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Pages (from-to)108-116
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Freeze-drying
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Global Sensitivity Analysis


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