Generation of entangled photon pairs from quantum dots in self-aligned broadband cavities

Laia Gines, Carlo Pepe, Junior Gonzales, Niels Gregersen, Sven Höfling, Christian Schneider, Ana Predojevic

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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    The quick development of quantum technologies and quantum communication demands a continuous search for more efficient and with higher performance quantum sources and devices. In particular, quantum dots are firmly established sources of single photon emitters and entangled photon pairs, with entanglement of photons emitted by a single quantum dot probed in polarization[1], time-bin[2] and hyperentanglement[3]. Although spontaneous parametric down conversion sources (SPDC) are widely used as entangled photon sources with the highest values of entanglement[4], are being reached by quantum dot devices[5]. With similar quality as SPDC sources, QDs however stand out as sources with sub-Poissonian statistics, essential for safe quantum communication. Still, most of the quantum dots devices exhibit low extraction efficiencies. Attempts to maximize the extraction efficiency involve sophisticated engineered photonic systems[6,7]. Furthermore, the accurate alignment of the quantum dot-cavity system is crucial for an effective quantum dotcavity coupling and hence an emission enhancement into free space[8]. All of this implies the need of intricated nanofabrication processes. Here we present a simple, scalable photonic device that grants efficient creation of entangled photon pairs from InAs quantum dots. The device, spontaneously formed during the growth process, is based on pairs of bottom/top distributed bragg reflectors (DBRs). A propagating deformation in the DBRs, leads to the formation of self-aligned dimples on top of the QDs, resulting in a self-aligned quantum-dot cavity system[9]. Therefore, costly and complex deterministic nanofabrication techniques are not required. In this work, the device performance was characterized, showing experimental collection efficiencies of 0.17, with theoretically pair extraction efficiencies above 0.45. Furthermore, a Purcell enhancement up to 1.7 was obtained. Finally, the device potential to generate time-bin entangled photons was investigated performing state tomography measurements. The subsequent reconstruction of the density matrix yields a concurrence of 0.70(10) and a fidelity of 0.84(5).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2020
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    EventQuantum Technology International Conference 2020
    - Virtuel event, Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 2 Nov 20204 Nov 2020


    ConferenceQuantum Technology International Conference 2020
    LocationVirtuel event
    Internet address

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