GCN CIRCULAR 21672, LIGO/Virgo G298048: INTEGRAL pointed follow-up observations

V. Savchenko, C. Ferrigno, E. Kuulkers, E. Bozzo, S. Mereghetti, T. J.L. Courvoisier, J. Chenevez, S. Brandt, R. Diehl, L. Hanlon, P. Laurent, D. Gotz, J.P. Roques, E. Jourdain, P. Ubertini, A. Bazzano, J. Rodi, A. Lutovinov, R. Sunyaev

    Research output: Other contributionNet publication - Internet publicationResearch

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    INTEGRAL is an observatory with multiple instruments: a gamma-ray spectrometer (20 keV - 8 MeV, SPI), an imager (15 keV - 2 MeV, IBIS),an X-ray monitor (3 - 25 keV, JEM-X), and an optical monitor (V band,OMC). Our group requested and obtained follow-up observations of the LIGO/Virgo candidate NS merger G298048 (GCN 21505, 21506).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date8 Dec 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2017

    Bibliographical note

    Senest ændret: 24/08/2017


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