Gas-Phase Thermolyses: Part 7. Gas-Phase Thermolysis of 1,2,3-Oxadithiolan 2-Oxide and Thiiran 1-Oxide - On the Intermediacy of 1,2-Oxathietan

Lars Carlsen, Helge Egsgaard

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The unimolecular gas-phase thermolyses of 1,2,3-oxadithiolan 2-oxide and thiiran 1-oxide have been studied by the flash vacuum thermolysis–field ionization mass spectrometry (f.v.t.–f.i.m.s.) technique in the temperature range from 1 043 to 1 404 K. The reactions are rationalized in terms of sulphoxide–sulphenate rearrangement and atomic oxygen, sulphur monoxide, and sulphur dioxide extrusions. Evidence is presented for the common intermediacy of 1,2-oxathietan from the thermolyses of both 1,2,3-oxadithiolan 2-oxide and thiiran 1-oxide.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalRoyal Chemical Society. Journal. Perkin Transactions 2
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)279-282
    Publication statusPublished - 1982


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