Fusion in the energy system

    Research output: Non-textual formSound/Visual production (digital)Research

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    Fusion energy is the fundamental energy source of the Universe, as the energy of the Sun and the stars are produced by fusion of e.g. hydrogen to helium. Fusion energy research is a strongly international endeavor aiming at realizing fusion energy production in power plants on Earth. Reaching this goal, mankind will have a sustainable base load energy source with abundant resources, having no CO2 release, and with no longlived radioactive waste. This presentation will describe the basics of fusion energy production and the status and future prospects of the research. Considerations of integration into the future electricity system and socio-economic studies of fusion energy will be presented, referring to the programme of Socio-Economic Research on Fusion (SERF) under the European Fusion Energy Agreement (EFDA).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2009
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventMeeting at European Environment Agency - Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 10 Nov 200910 Nov 2009


    ConferenceMeeting at European Environment Agency


    • Climate and energy systems
    • Energy systems analysis


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